Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Last Hoorah!

Well not technically the LAST one; but probably the last one of this growing season (I may have some suprises...you never know). But as I look out on the light coating of snow that came upon us last night, I had the feeling of finality for the gardening season.

Luckily, I was able to get the shallots planted before the snow. The ground was hard, but with a little work and a little added warmer compost I was able to get the soil friable enough to plant the shallots.

The rich, creamy flavor and texture of French shallots elevate the delicacy of almost any recipe. The shallots are generally grown from sets that are actually little individual bulbs that you plant to yield 10-15 times the number of shallots! Early in the spring, their dark green shoots will poke through the soil within a couple of weeks of the thaw.

This year, since they are pretty much foolproof, I planted French Red Shallots. These are a good shallot for novice growers (and I will always think of myself that way). They are amazingly productive; are easy to peel and dice and have a delicious, intense, spicy flavor. In the summer, when the top greens start to die back; they will yeild shallots roughtly the size of chestnuts with coppery russet skins and purplle pink flesh. Plus, they store really well. They can last up to a year if properly cellared (Dark, Cool, Dry).

I am looking forward to the winter time part of gardening. The planning of next year's garden, the seed catalogues arriving in the next few weeks! I will check in with everyone then!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Gardening!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Trees are ALIVE!

Well the day has finally come!! The planting of the fruit trees!. Many of you know that I ordered trees from the National Arbor Day Foundation back in August. The trees were ordered as saplings (Dwarf Winesap and Dwarf Lodi); I was told that the trees would arrive sometime in Mid November.

Well wouldn't you know it, they arrived the day after Thanksgiving (not so mid) and I was out of town with my family...grrrrr. But the good news is becuase of the good care and preparation by the folks at the NADF ensured that the trees would be healthy if they sat for a day or so in the packaging. NADF preps the roots by soaking them in a gell that helps seal in moisture to the bare roots, they then wrap the roots in wet shredded paper and then enclose the bundle in plastic bags to seal in the moisture for shipping.

I filled a large bucket with water and unpacked the trees and immediately submerged them for 3.5 hours...allowing the bare roots to be exposed to air even for a few minutes can cause damage in these delicate saplings.

While the trees relaxed in their bath, I dug the holes. I dug about 8 inches down, placing the extricated soil next to the hole. I then took a handful of soil and put it back in the bottom of the hole to create a small mound. This will support the root canopy and ensures there will be no air pockets below the roots. You could use compost to create the mound, but if your soil is of good quality and nutrient content, you will not need to add any ammendments and too much fertilizer is not good for trees.

I then carefully place the trees back in the hole and back fill to near the surface. I add water to compress the soil and moisten the soil. After this, add the remaining soil and water again. I then repeated the process with the other tree. The final step was to stake the tree, mulch around it and add protection from rabbits and squirrels by adding a ventilated sleeve around the trunk.

I will water the trees every few days while the weather cooperates and also water when the winter weather allows (dry winter days with no snow). These trees are very small and will not produce fruit for a few years, but they will eventually be beautiful and bountiful espaliered trees adding fruit and form to the garden!

Happy Gardening!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Late Season Bulb Digger (Finale)

Now that the soil is prepped and you are ready, it is time to tuck your bulbs in the soil and prep them for winter!

Plant your bulbs at twice their height and twice their width if planting single. When creating bulb compositions follow the height rule, but you can then crowd the bulbs into whatever formation you want. I plant mine in concentric circles alternating the bulb type for maximum beauty.

I throw a little compost into the holes before planting to provide nutrients in our terrible clay soil, then cover them with soil, add a bit of water and then cover over with a nice layer of mulch.

To protect your precious bulbs from pests (the dreaded grey squirell here in Columbus), I sprinkle and mix in the mulch some cayenne pepper...this keeps the pesky squirells away from my tender bulbs! You will have to periodically refresh the pepper until it snows and the ground is covered. Also companion planting narcissus bulbs keep the pests away as well!

If you follow these simple steps, you will have a spring bursting with color!

Happy Gardening!